Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 8: Round Two

Hey, I wonder who made this little steaming pile of deliciousness?


I learned a few things from yesterday's food snafu. For one, I used more broth to give the onions and meat a little more to soak in. A little less heat meant the broth didn't boil away. And finally, I remembered to wear a watch. Those little details! They matter!

You've already seen the result, but let me tell you, this had to be the most savory thing I've eaten in quite some time, especially after a week of plain noodles and yesterday's frustration. The onions cooked so tender that you really couldn't tell them apart from the rice. The meat was a little chewy, but incredibly moist. The rice and broth mixture? Amazing. Finally, after so much work and worry, I'd cooked myself a decent meal.

And then I spilled milk all over my hand when I poured myself a drink. A little bonus lesson in humility.

Thanks for the prayers, everybody, and a special thanks to my mom for her tips on cooking and not setting things on fire.

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